News Archive


Did you know that a child contacts Childline every 25 seconds? A £4 donation could pay for a counsellor to answer a call. Last year the Childline volunteers in Belfast and Foyle counselled over 46,000 children and young people, but they can only answer 3 out of every...

Safer Internet Day 2018

Today is Safer Internet Day! Learn more about how you can get involved and make the internet a safer place by visiting

Hunterhouse Equestrian Team Success

Saturday 13th January proved to be a lucky day for the Hunterhouse Equestrian teams. On her first day out on her lovely new pony Indie, Mollie Park rode a beautiful double clear round over a very technical course. But it was the Blue team who stole the limelight…...

Corp nullam neque purus lobortis sodales ligula eget tempus cursus mi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at nisi vitae tortor malesuada tristique sit amet sed eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed facilisis malesuada quam, eu faucibus tortor rutrum quis. Cras tempus turpis nisi, id lacinia lectus...

Morbi porttitor neque et neque bibendum eleifend duis sed volutpat ante

Morbi porttitor neque et neque bibendum eleifend duis sed volutpat ante

Ut vestibulum imperdiet pulvinar. Integer eu egestas massa. Vestibulum sodales ullamcorper varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In blandit gravida semper. Duis id efficitur ante, quis pellentesque mauris....