The House System

The House System at Hunterhouse College provides students in all year groups with the opportunity to develop their confidence, resilience and teamwork skills. Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities in order to gain points for their House. This includes competitions in Sport, Art, Music, Drama, HE and other activities such as the Christmas Quiz. Staff are also allocated to a House. The Houses compete to win points and raise money for charity. These events include dancing, baking, netball and photography competitions. The wide range of House competitions run through the course of the year helps to enhance the community spirit and collaboration of all students and staff at Hunterhouse College.

When students begin their time at Hunterhouse College they are allocated to a House which they are part of and represent for the duration of their time at the College. Our houses are named after former Headmistresses of our founding schools: Shearman and Welch are named after Miss Shearman and Miss Welch who were Headmistresses of Ashleigh House School and Duncan and Lewis who are named after Miss Duncan and Miss Lewis, former Headmistresses of Princess Gardens School.

Each House is represented by a colour-

Lewis (green)        Welch (yellow)       Shearman (red)        Duncan (blue)

Students meet in their Houses once a month and these assemblies are led by the House Leader (member of staff). There are many different roles and responsibilities for students to avail of including:

House Captain (Sixth Form)

House Vice-Captain (Sixth Form)

House Secretary (Sixth Form)

House Treasurer (Sixth Form)

House Reps (Years 8-12)

It is the role of the House Captains and other representatives to help run these events and also to motivate and encourage participation. Points are awarded to every student or staff member for entering a competition. Further points are then awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each event. After each event, the points are collated and displayed on the House notice boards. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup. The House System drives our students to improve their skills, it shows students how to win and lose graciously and it allows them to have fun.